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Over the course of the semester we have had to create many visual things and use a platform to share them. We were told to create a Flikr account and use that as the place to upload our photos to. From there you can take them anywhere.

First you need to create an account- which is easy enough. You cant link it through your Google account, Yahoo account or Facebook.

Once you have your account you can start uploading! In bold print on the right side of the page it will say ” Upload photos and Video!”. You will need to click that.

From there it will take you to a page where you can access files on your computer and upload them right from there.

In my experience, there are many web sights and apps that are connected to your Flikr as well. I used to use Picknic as a way to edit my photos. Sadly that closed early in April. Another web sight that lets you edit photos is PhotoBucket.

I also know that if you have the Instagram app on your smart phone that it can connect to your Flikr and upload straight to your account after you have finished editing on there.

This is a great website that helps you share your creativity with others!

A website that I have had to use multiple times over the course of the semester was SoundCloud. It is a great way to share audio files with a large audience. The biggest plus? That it is super easy to use!

First you need to sign up for an account.

Be sure that the user name is something that can be linked easily remembered and easily searched for by other users.

After you sign up for an account you can start uploading!

You can either upload clips from your own set up or record right on the website. I like to record directly onto the website. I have a microphone built into my computer that picks up good quality bits. If you wanted you can buy an external mic and make the quality of your sound bites even better.


For my way of uploading, I just hit the orange record button, record my stuff and hit end. Then I can listen to it and decide if I want to rerecord or upload that first clip. You can add images to make the clip truly your own!

Once you upload it to your dashboard, you can share it to other groups, or other social media!. You can get the embed code and embed it any where you want!

You can take a listen to any of my things by scrolling through my older posts and clicking on the orange play button! My favorites are the Beyonce dramatic reading or Ursula redux

In today’s society everyone has dual citizenship- one that is the traditional and one for the digital world.As the technological world continues to expand and create even more of a foot hold in our lives, the laws of this “new” society need to be outlined. This article here does a great job of breaking down nine of the most important themes.

Digital access is the first step. Everyone needs to be granted access to the technology and all that comes with it. It is important for those with access to aid others in getting access. This is a community  that can only grow and open up more opportunities.

Digital commerce is the next big step. We are granted access to so many great things when we use the internet. This is now a resource to increase the flow of commerce, but it need to be used mindfully. Illegally downloading copyrighted material, illicit websites and illegal trading are all possibilities on the internet. We need to be aware of them and steer clear. We also need to teach others to stay away from them as well.

As we build a footprint for ourselves on the internet, we are going to want to start talking. You can connect with people around the world that are working on the same goals as you. As long as you are aware of how to safely conduct yourself, then the sky is the limit. The biggest payoff of digital citizenship is that you can learn, network and create with people all around the world- something that was never possible for everyone before. Yes, there are rules to how to do this, but they only make the experience better.


I just participated in an twitter chat, and boy was it enlightening! I had never participated in something like this. I was apprehensive at first, but I will be participating in the future. I loved that my voice was heard and that what I said was relevant to teachers in classrooms today.

This is how this weather makes me feel

We had to make a picture that emphasized the color yellow. This is my folder for this class. I just love the way these flowers make me want to be happy.


old man sweater

We were asked to take a self-portrait, with our showing our face, that still identifies us. I picked this one because I LOVE that sweater. Well I actually picked it because my hair, which is one of my most distinguishing features.



We were asked to take a photo of a beautiful mess. This is the current state of my room. I agree that it is not the easiest on the eyes, but it is what is working for me these days.


For the past few weeks we have been asked to create a radio show. I teamed up with Nicole Morello, Lindsay Kenney, and Ashley Keough. We first brainstormed what we wanted to do in class and then headed to work on it the next day in the library. We decided to do a Cortland specific radio show, and we realized that we didnt need to look very far for subjects to talk about. We wanted to make a pseudo commentary on what life on our campus is like. Yes we exaggerated some things and we did stress the Long Island versus everyone else dynamic at some points. We knew that we wanted the show to flow like it was two Cortland students that would take calls from other students. We worked our loose scripts that would help us start a conversation but then let is run wild after that.

We broke up into two teams for most of the recording. Nicole and I recorded our talking segments while Lindsay and Ashley worked on the bumpers and commercials. We were able to get most of that done in one evening. The real ulcer inducing process came when we tried to edit it all together. It took a long time, and a lot of trial and error. Eventually we figured out a way yo make it work. I think it came out grand. I hope you like it!


I know it has been a while, and for that I am sorry. For right now lets take a gander at my recent daily creates!

St. Basils Cathedral

For this daily create we were asked to celebrate religious architecture. I picked a picture of St. Basils Cathedral. I dream of the day when I can visit this place in person. I think that it is so whimsical and awe inspiring. It is also one of the images that come to mind when I think of Russia.


Cool off

For this daily create we were asked to make an artistic photo that included our toes. I remember taking this photo in my senior year of high school. I was in Washington DC for a school trip with my friends. This is a picture we took while we were cooling our feet in a public fountain we stumbled upon in a a sculpture garden. For this daily create I played with colors and contrast on the website Picnik.


On this day we were asked to represent the liminal state that doors and windows lend themselves to. I took this photo when I went to Ireland in 2009. I thought that it represented the prompt perfectly.

The daily creates this week asked us what some of our favorite things are. The first daily create I completed this week asked us to a photo that features our favorite color. My favorite color is green. My room at home is lime green on all four walls …. and my ceiling. I also love Lisa Frank things. They remind me of my childhood and all of the care free wonder that filled it. I need that in my life as a stressed out college kid. This Lisa Frank coloring book crossed my path and I knew it needed to be what my daily create needed to be.

Lisa just gets me


Next we had to take a picture depicting our favorite type of weather. The winter weather in Cortland is starting to get me down, but I was home on Long Island when this daily create came up. The weather was beautiful there this past weekend. I snapped this picture from my friends window as I was waiting to surprise my parents for their 50th birthday party.

A beautiful day in the neighborhood


In the fashion of the day, we were asked to take a photo of a leap. Or a leaping photo. I remembered this photo that i had taken my senior year of High School. I’m at a track meet  and this is what we used to do to entertain ourselves.


jump for joy

For this week we had to do two stars worth of audio assignments. I chose to do an over dramatic reading. I thought it would be super fun. And it was. I picked the song Love on top by the majestic Beyonce. So listen and enjoy.
